- Is your To Do lists filled with To Do lists?
- Do Details become overwhelming?
- Do you not get to the 'big' work because you are bogged down by the tedious work?
- Do you have wonderful ideas but kind find the time to implement them?
- Do you have the ideas and the time but don't know where to start?
- Have you started but can't stay on track or aren't sure what track to be on?
If you answered yes to just one of these questions you could be helped by an Accountability Coach.
Who is your Accountability Coach?
First, an Accountability coach will get to know you on both a personal and business level. They will ask questions like, "Is the person you are in business the 'authentic' you?" "Have you identified your passion and purpose in life?" This is the place where any good coach would start.
There is no sense in paying somebody to coach you down the wrong path for you. If you are not sure of the answers to these questions your coach will help you become clear. That clarity is essential to putting your efforts in the right direction, the direction that will take you to long lasting success.
Does your Coach practice what she preaches? In other words coach outlet online, has she tried the systems she suggests you use? Has she and does she currently use a Coach herself? This first hand experience is critical for someone who is being paid to give you good advice. For example, I know that I can see anybody else's business with an impartial eye.
There is no ego or emotion involved in the advice that I give. Yet, when I am working on my own business that ego and emotion still rears its ugly head from time to time. So despite the fact that I am a practicing business and accountability coach I still go to my coach from time to time for the impartial advice I know I need to make the correct decision.
Is your Coach familiar with a myriad of organizational and time management sysytems? With your Coach's help you will learn systems that work for you. For example, there are dozens of time management systems. Don't be overwhelmed and don't be one of those people that have so many systems in their knowledge bank they can't get even one of the systems to work for them.
The individual and personal coaching that comes from someone who really gets to know you and how you work best is priceless. Out of those dozens of time management systems one of them is perfect for you and your coach will help you find that one. Then they will work with you to perfect and tailor it to your skill sets.
Does your Coach work with you on setting goals and benchmarks? Do you have an accountability system set up with your Coach to ensure you reach those goals? If so, you will coach outlet coupon! Then, together you will set new goals and yes, you guessed it, you'll reach those goals too. With the right systems in place that work for you, not the throngs, your success is closer and easier to achieve.
Would you benefit from an Accountability Coach?
- Are your ready for a change in your life?
- Are you ready to work to achieve the change?
- Do you have potential that you are just waiting to use?
- Do you have a great business idea?
- Are you looking for a great business idea?
- Are you frustrated with false starts?
- Will guidance help keep you motivated and focused?
No one can figure out your worth but you. Pearl Bailey
It is human nature to do what we enjoy. This serves us well coach factory outlet, usually. When developing a business, there is always going to be some busy work that is critical to your success. Does your email, text messages or favorite website get in your way?
Sometimes we even accomplish other undesirable tasks to avoid getting to the task at hand. If this is you, you are in very good company. Learn the skills that will help you over this hurdle.